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Community News
Keep up to date with everything going on in and around our family community here at Streatham Baptist Church

Oliver Medla
Jan 26, 20231 min read
7 conversations (our) church needs to have to reach young adults
Framing the issue: An urgent conversation The Evangelical Alliance published "A Missing Generation" in 2009. This missing generation was...

Nathan McGuire
Jan 23, 20232 min read
Journaling - A Commitment to Worship
Reblogged from “Journaling reminds us to attend to the lover of our...

Nathan McGuire
Jan 12, 20232 min read
Have you *not* got time for 3 minutes of prayer?
From Monday 16th January, we're kicking off 2023 as a church community with our very own Forty Days of Prayer. Watch the intro video now...

Oliver Medla
Oct 10, 20222 min read
What's the Vision?
"Where there is no vision, the people perish" - Proverbs 29:18 What is it to have a vision for the church? And what is our vision here at...

Claudette Van Beek
Oct 6, 20221 min read
Making Connections at "The Vine"
The Vine grew out of the Night Shelter that SBC helped run along with other congregations in Streatham until 2020. Following on from...

Neil Charlton
Sep 15, 20221 min read
My part in the response to another tragedy on our streets
Neil Charlton is the youth worker for Streatham Baptist Church Over the past two weeks, I have joined the Racial Justice Advocacy Forum...

Oliver Medla
Sep 12, 20222 min read
Men test their emotional intuition... And musical knowledge!
A quiz with a difference... Friday night saw church members and some other friends gather for some friendly drinks, conversation and a...
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