"Where there is no vision, the people perish"
- Proverbs 29:18
What is it to have a vision for the church? And what is our vision here at Streatham Baptist Church? As a congregation and as leaders, we've been grappling with discovering a new vision for SBC.
Here's one minute from Pastor Chris on WHY we need VISION...
To ensure our vision statement isn't just "marketing speak", we've broken it down into five commitments.
We're really excited that these five commitments are not just an expression of where we've come from and where we're at now, but most importantly they are a commitment to being intentional about seeing these values lived out in practical, tangible, real-life situations.
Unless we deliberately live out Kingdom values, they won't just happen automatically, so these commitments are a step towards figuring out how we live out the gospel in our own lives, as well as in community with others.
Here are our Five Commitments in less than thirty seconds...
1. We commit to being a
multi-ethnic and multicultural community
2. We commit to being an
intergenerational community
3. We commit to
a lifestyle of worship
4. We commit to
serving one another
5. We commit to
serving our communities
Over the next 6+ weeks we'll be exploring each of these commitments in-depth, their biblical basis and what steps we can start to take, practically, as well as things we're already doing. We hope that you'll journey with us and that you'll have your own ideas about how you can do these things intentionally in your own neighbourhood, workplace, family, gym, park, school... As well as throughout church life.
Stick around after the service to talk through the commitments with a leader or any of our members. We'd love to chat.
To see our interviews with SBC members on what the commitments mean to them, as well as Chris' full intro to the vision, check out the video of Sunday's service on YouTube [here]