The Vine grew out of the Night Shelter that SBC helped run along with other congregations in Streatham until 2020. Following on from this, we wanted to continue to offer a place for local people, who may be struggling with a range of issues, to come to the church to eat and socialise together.

The Vine is a connecting place: with others, with church and with God. We do not just want to give out food: we want to build connection and community and for all our members to contribute to each evening.
The Vine takes place each Wednesday night from 7.00-9.00pm until 14th December
We need volunteers to help with practical tasks such as cooking and washing up and also those keen to meet new people and be part of the conversations. For more details please speak to either Claudette Van Beek on claudette (dot) vanbeek (at) or Jon Kuhrt on mrjonkuhrt (at)