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Church Life...


Where 2 or 3 gather... There will be music, laughter, food and encouragement. Catering particularly for young adults, our events aim to be welcoming for those who aren't already involved at SBC as well as those who come along on Sundays or to other events.

International Mission

We support several international missionaries and families both financially and through prayer & encouragement. Several of these have long-standing historical connections to the church. Speak to Richard Ritter for more info.

The Vine

The Vine Community grew out of other "winter provisions" in past years and now encourages it's members to serve together, eat together and enjoy a game or two!


"Belonging" teaches English as a second language and offers friendship and encouragement. Classes usually run in term-time. Speak to Stella Grant for more information.

Life Groups

Most Life Groups meet in someone's home, but some meet in the church building. Most Life Groups study the Bible and discuss it, but some eat together, pray together, share encouragement and the ups and downs of life together. Most life groups meet weekly on a weekday evening, but some meet during the day and some only fortnightly. If you'd like to find a Life Group, speak to Felicia Ansah.

Connect Prayer

We're firing up the engines. Join us Thursday evenings on Zoom where we'll share local, national and international issues and pray together as a community for a paradigm shift. Be part of the powerhouse and connect with other church members. Speak to Adrian Lock for more information.

Love Streatham

SBC are founding members of the Streatham-wide group of churches known as LoveStreatham. Working together to share Jesus' love in Streatham through a variety of events.

Girls' Group

An opportunity for girls in school years 5-8 to eat plenty of snacks, have some fun with games and craft activities and discuss how Jesus can help with everyday life. For more information, speak to Nikki Kuhrt.

Sunrise Prayer

Want a seriously uplifting start to your day? Join us on Zoom, Sundays at 7.30am for less than an hour. Feel ready for the day, bring your hot drink and encourage one another to take His light into our schools, homes and workplaces this week! Speak to Felicia Ansah for more information.

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