Wayforward Process
Spring 2024
Last Sunday 2nd October,

On Sunday 16th October our Senior Minister Applicant will "Preach with a View"
If you can make it along to be in the building with us, please do! You can also watch online on Facebook or YouTube.
Last Sunday 2nd October, we had an initial preach from our applicant - and after reviewing suvey feedback, the Wayforward team voted to give SBC members opportunity to question and discern our candidate.
This was announced at the last CMM where there was opportunity for members' questions with Laura (Leader & Wayforward Team) and Pastor Chris.
The "Preach with a view" is a further part of this exploration process.
There will also be opportunities for meetups and questions over the weekend.
On Saturday 15th October, SBC partners including Staff & administrative volunteers, Adult ministry volunteers, (e.g. Life Group Leaders, the Public Worship Group etc), plus Volunteers from Kingdom Kids, Ichthus, Friendly Club etc have been invited to meet informally with Philip.
Then, on Sunday 16th, Philip will preach again before sharing lunch with us at 12.00-13.30, then a time for Q&A from 13.30-15.30.
To submit questions for Philip (deadline Monday 10th midnight) please [click here].
Members who are shielding or away (only), if Philip consents, will be able to view a recording of the q&a session, but they would need to email churchmanager@streathambaptist.com for the link.
Church members will vote on Thurs 20th Oct from 8pm in the Church Member's Meeting on zoom only.
If you're a member who isn't online, please team up with a member who has zoom, or let Nathan know if you're stuck.