Jenny Dowlen
Lay Leader - Church Secretary & CIO Process
Jenny has been a member of Streatham Baptist Church since 1976 and a Christian for even longer. She and her husband have been married for more than 40 years. Over the years she has served the church (and other Christian organisations) in a wide variety of roles, including many years as House Group Leader (jointly with her husband), Church Catering Manager and twice as Church Treasurer.
Now retired from paid employment, much of which involved teaching and management in higher education, but also included a period working as the bookkeeper for a small Christian Charity, she has not retired from serving the Lord and rejoined the Church Leadership Team in September 2022.
She believes that God has called her to use her gifts, principally administration and teaching, to serve His people and glorify Him. Her current leadership roles are leading the church through the transition from Unincorporated Charity to Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and chairing the Risk Management Strategy Group. She also enjoys leading church services from time to time and teaching as opportunities arise.
Other interests include cooking and eating good food, walking and crosswords.
0208 769 1515