Jackie Dale
Lay Leader - Children and Young People
I was born in Germany and moved to England in 1979. I was educated as a Catholic from primary to six-form college, attended a CofE church as a young adult for a few years but never really made a connection with Jesus.
I first came to SBC in January 2001 as a non-Christian to do Alpha. On 17th February 2001, Jesus told me he loved me and, in that moment, at the tender age of 29, I knew there was nothing to hold me back and so gave my life to Christ sitting on my sofa. It was not dramatic or jaw dropping but a simple moment of total peace and acceptance. I joined the 20s to 30s group which helped me to fully integrate into SBC and church life.
Easter Sunday 15th April 2001 I was baptised and continued to grow in faith. I began to serve, first helping with HR, then I joined the Board of Trustees of Manna Christian Counselling and for the first time felt led to became involved in SBC’s children and youth ministry: I volunteered in Torches the 5- to 11-year-olds, helping with a previous weekly Girls Group for girls 9 to 15. I was involved in Soul in the City, an initiative for youth going out in the community to serve. June 2005, I combined my passion of bringing Jesus to children and young people with missionary work.
I went to India with Global Action as part of an international team to run a summer camp for children aged 5 to 16: this was a life changing experience and deepened my faith and the need to serve the Lord. On this trip I recognised I have a heart for the homeless and poor, hence my current involvement in the Vine.
After the trip my life took an unexpected, tough, and very painful turn as life so often does, and I stepped away from SBC. During the pandemic online church allowed me to rejoin anonymously, Neil Charlton preached one Sunday and asked the question “When Jesus returns, are you going to be in the crowd as a bystander? Or are you going to be in the thick of the action?”
I was so challenged by this I went back in person and SBC felt like home again. The Lord quickly challenged me to not be a bystander, so I supported with HR through the Risk Management Group and then came the call for volunteers to work with Kingdom Kids and Ichthus. In that moment I felt that well known nudge of the Spirit and I was shocked to say the least. A day later I got a voice message from Neil saying he felt that God was telling him that I was being called to work with Ichthus. I prayed, spoke to a couple of trusted friends, and decided that I could not ignore this call, remembering how hard life can be between 11 and 17, especially when you don’t know that you have Jesus in your corner and how much you are loved by him.
Professionally I have worked in HR since 1997 and since 2006 I have been a HR Manager for the Early Years Alliance leading a team of eight HR professionals. I love that I work for an organisation that matches my values and makes a difference in the lives of children 0-5 and their families in areas of deprivation and is a voice for all 0– 5-year-olds and the early years sector in the UK.
In my spare time, you will find me in a coffee shop with my kindle indulging in my love of coffee and reading. Or, find me at the cinema; I am a huge movie buff (I helped my table to victory in the movie quiz one evening at the Vine!) and I have been known to go and see three films in one day! (Shhh no judgement!!) I also love listening to music, going to the theatre, playing board games and spending time with people, travelling or cooking and baking. Other than that, I enjoy rolling up my sleeves and helping in whatever way is needed at SBC.
My work equips me with leadership skills, and I have felt a call to church leadership for at least two years: I just needed to work out how to facilitate this alongside my other commitments. My aim would be to bring my gifting and experience to help the church in its growth and mission alongside the other Trustees. I feel honoured and blessed to work with our amazing group of young people and the fabulous volunteers team guiding them into a deeper faith and relationship with Jesus, equipping them to deal with life challenges from a strong position of faith.
As the Children’s and Young People Leader, I advocate for the children, young people and volunteers including working with and supporting Sue King and hopefully a new Intergenerational Minister, to ensure all their voices are heard and that we truly become intergenerational by seeing the children and young people actively involved in all aspects of church life.
0208 769 1515