Diane Moore
Lay Leader - Safeguarding
I was Christened and Confirmed in the Church of England and then Baptized as an adult at my old church in Balham.
I served in that church for over 20 years. Over that time, I had a wide variety of roles and was on all sorts of teams. You name it- I probably did it!Â
Significantly, I was the deputy safeguarding officer working with my pastor to keep the congregation and visitors safe. I often ran refresher training sessions in safeguarding for the kids work team.
I have served on a board of governors (special needs college) and a board of trustees (at my daughter’s day centre).
I now work at the day centre and my role involves completing DBS checks as well as monitoring health and safety and accidents and incidents. I work closely with the safeguarding lead.
After much prayer and speaking with my husband James and others in the church that know me, I am trusting God, that He knows what He is doing in leading me into this new role for me at Streatham Baptist Church.
0208 769 1515